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For, brethren, we will that ye know of our tribulation, that was done in Asia; for over measure we were grieved over might, so that it distressed us, yea, to live.[a]

But we in us selves had answer of death, that we trust not in us, but in God that raiseth dead men. [But we ourselves in ourselves had answer, or certainty, of death, that we be not trusting in ourselves, but in God that raiseth dead men.]

10 Which delivered us, and delivereth from so great perils, into whom we hope, also yet he shall deliver,

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  1. 2 Corinthians 1:8 Forsooth, brethren, we will not you to unknow of our tribulation, that was done in Asia; for over measure we were grieved above virtue, or might, so that it distressed us, yea, to live.